Is Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplemental Insurance Legit

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Russell Noga
by Russell Noga | Updated May 18th, 2023

If you’ve been looking for Medicare Supplemental Insurance, there’s no doubt Mutual of Omaha is a name you have come across.

It’s one of the top insurers in the Medigap industry, which is why you might be thinking about choosing the company as your provider; however, before you sign up for a policy, it’s a good idea to do your due diligence so that you can confirm if they will be able to meet your healthcare and financial needs.

Below, we provide an overview of Mutual of Omaha’s Medicare Supplement Insurance so that you can determine if the company is legit and the right option for you.


mutual of omaha

About Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha was founded in 1909 as an insurance and financial services company. The company added Medicare Supplement Insurance (also known as Medigap) policies to the portfolio of products they provide when the plans were first introduced in 1992.

Today, millions of people use Mutual of Omaha Medigap policies to cover the out-of-pocket expenses that Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) doesn’t cover, and it’s one of the top providers in the Medicare Supplement industry.

One of the factors that set Mutual of Omaha apart from the crowd is the low rate of complaints that have been filed against the company, which is about 60 percent lower than average.

The organization is highly regarded for providing fast review times, for quickly issuing policies, and for providing top-quality customer service. Additionally, the company offers coverage in 49 states and Washington, DC, so their policies are widely available, which helps to simplify things for policyholders.

What is a Medicare Supplement?

Medicare Supplement Insurance plans are also called Medigap plans because they fill in the gaps that Original Medicare doesn’t cover. Original Medicare features two separate parts: Part A, which covers the cost of inpatient medical care beneficiaries receive (hospital stays, etc.), and Part B, which covers outpatient care and services (doctor visits, durable medical products, etc.).

Medigap is additional insurance coverage; it does not replace Original Medicare, but rather, it works alongside it.

These plans have separate monthly premiums, and as long as the premiums are maintained, the coverage the plans offer will kick in and pick up the costs of medical expenses after Medicare Part A and Part B has been applied.

Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement - A Top Company

There are 10 Medicare Supplement Insurance plans, which are named for letters. Each lettered plan offers different coverage, but the benefits are standard, so the same lettered plans must offer the same benefits, no matter what part of the county they’re purchased in or which insurance company provides them.

Mutual of Omaha offers several Medicare Supplement Insurance plans; however, the company’s primary focus is the most popular policies, including Plan A, Plan N, Plan G, and Plan F. These plans are available in all locations and are available to all Medicare beneficiaries, with the exception of Plan F.

Due to changes in Medicare regulations, as of January 1, 2020, new enrollees can no longer purchase Plan F from any insurance company.

The following is a brief overview of the benefits these four plans offer:


  •         Plan A. The most basic of all Medigap plans, as it only offers the benefits that Medicare requires and nothing more.
  •         Plan N. The premiums for this plan are lower, but the copays are higher; up to $20 for doctor visits and up to $50 for emergency room visits (the copay is waived if you are admitted to the hospital).
  •         Plan G. This plan covers the most out-of-pocket expenses for newly enrolled Medicare beneficiaries. It is considered a replacement for Plan F, as it offers the same benefits, with the exception of coverage for the Part B deductible. Medicare Supplement plans can no longer provide coverage for the Part B deductible.
  •         Plan F. Plan F is the most comprehensive of all Medigap plans. It covers the majority of the expenses that Part A and Part B don’t cover, including the Part B deductible. While new enrollees who became eligible for Medicare after January 1, 2020 can no longer purchase this plan, if you became eligible before this date and you have yet to enroll in Original Medicare, you may still be able to purchase a policy through Mutual of Omaha.

Mutual of Omaha also offers Plan B, C, D, K, L, and M; however, availability is limited to specific states, and some policies, such as Plan C, like Plan F, are only available for certain Medicare beneficiaries.

There are more details below about the most popular Medigap plans, which are Plan F, G, and N.

Aetna Medicare Supplement plans

Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Plan G in 2024

Healthcare costs are a significant concern for seniors, which is why so many people enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan, also known as Medigap policies, to manage expenses not covered by Original Medicare. Mutual of Omaha offers a variety of Medigap plans, with Plan G being a popular choice due to its extensive coverage.

What is Medicare Plan G?

Medicare Supplement Plan G is a comprehensive insurance policy designed to fill most gaps in Original Medicare coverage. Plan G covers copayments, coinsurance, and the Part A deductible. While Plan G does not cover the Part B deductible, it does manage Part B excess charges, a benefit not found in all Medigap plans. These excess charges occur when a healthcare provider charges more than Medicare’s approved rate for a service or procedure.


Medicare Plan G Benefits

Plan G provides significant benefits, making it an attractive option for those seeking extensive coverage. Its coverage includes:

  • Part A hospital and coinsurance costs up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are exhausted.
  • Part B coinsurance or copayment.
  • Blood (first three pints each year).
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance.
  • Part A deductible.
  • Foreign travel emergency coverage (up to plan limits).
  • Part B excess charges.

Medicare Plan G


Cost of Medigap Plan G

The cost of Medigap Plan G varies depending on factors such as the insurance company, location, and age of the enrollee. Premiums can range widely, but it’s worth noting that Plan G often has lower premiums than Plan F, which offers similar benefits but also covers the Part B deductible.

Why Choose Mutual of Omaha Plan G?

Choosing Mutual of Omaha for your Plan G coverage brings several advantages. As a respected insurance company with over a century of experience, Mutual of Omaha is known for its customer service and reliability.

One major advantage of Mutual of Omaha’s Plan G is its competitive rates. They frequently offer some of the lowest premiums on the market for this plan, making it a financially attractive choice.

Furthermore, Mutual of Omaha’s Plan G includes a foreign travel emergency benefit. If you plan to travel abroad, this coverage can provide critical financial protection.

In addition, the company provides a user-friendly online portal for policyholders, making managing your coverage, checking claim statuses, and contacting customer service more convenient.

The decision to choose a Medicare Supplement Plan is personal and depends on your unique healthcare needs and budget. But if you’re looking for comprehensive coverage from a trusted provider, Mutual of Omaha’s Medicare Supplement Plan G for 2024 could be an excellent choice. Remember to consult with a knowledgeable advisor or insurance specialist to help guide your decision.


Mutual of Omaha Medicare supplement rates

Medicare Supplement Plan N

Mutual of Omaha, a well-established and trusted insurance provider, offers a range of Medigap plans, including the increasingly popular Plan N.


What is Medicare Plan N?

Medicare Supplement Plan N provides a robust level of coverage designed to fill several significant gaps left by Original Medicare. Plan N handles copayments for Part B services, along with the Part A deductible and coinsurance for hospital stays. One notable difference with Plan N is that it involves a small copayment for certain office visits and emergency room trips and doesn’t cover Part B excess charges.


Medicare Plan N Benefits

Plan N offers a host of benefits designed to help you manage your healthcare costs:

  • Part A hospital and coinsurance costs for an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used.
  • Part B coinsurance, except for a copayment of up to $20 for office visits and up to $50 for emergency room visits that don’t result in an inpatient admission.
  • Blood (first three pints each year).
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance.
  • Part A deductible.
  • Foreign travel emergency coverage (up to plan limits).


Cost of Medigap Plan N

The cost of Medigap Plan N can vary depending on a number of factors, including the insurance company, your location, age, and sometimes health status. However, premiums for Plan N are typically lower than those for Plan G or F due to the additional copayments and lack of coverage for Part B excess charges.


Mutual of Omaha Medicare supplement



Why Choose Mutual of Omaha Plan N?

Selecting Mutual of Omaha for your Plan N coverage brings a range of benefits. As a company with over 100 years in the insurance business, Mutual of Omaha has developed a reputation for reliability, excellent customer service, and competitive premium rates.

One compelling reason to choose Mutual of Omaha’s Plan N is its competitive pricing. Often, they offer some of the most affordable premiums for this plan, making it a valuable choice for those on a budget.

Plan N also includes a foreign travel emergency benefit, which can be essential for those who plan to spend time overseas.

The company’s online portal provides easy access for policyholders to manage their coverage, check the status of claims, and reach out to customer service.

In conclusion, if you’re searching for a balance between cost and coverage in your Medigap plan, Mutual of Omaha’s Medicare Supplement Plan N for 2024 could be an excellent fit. It’s important to assess your healthcare needs and consult with a professional advisor or insurance specialist before making a decision.


Medicare Plan N

Mutual of Omaha Medigap Policy Rates

Like all private health insurance companies, Mutual of Omaha sets its own rates for the Medigap plans they offer.

Prices vary and depend on several factors, such as the specific plan you are purchasing, where you are located, your sex, your age, and when you are enrolling.

That said, on average, the average cost ranges between $80 and $300 per month.

Mutual of Omaha offers a household discount. Beneficiaries who reside with at least one other Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement policyholder can receive a discount of up to 12 percent; one of the highest household discount rates in the industry.



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Mutual of Omaha Rate Increase History

When it comes to rate increases, Mutual of Omaha has an excellent track record. Since they are a mutual company, they keep their monthly premiums as low as possible.

As such, the policyholders are the company’s shareholders, and Mutual of Omaha puts the profits they earn on premiums into the company, which helps to keep premiums down and rate increases low; additionally, their stringent medical underwriting policies, which also help to keep costs down.

Mutual of Omaha Ratings

Mutual of Omaha is consistently rated one of the best insurance providers in the Medigap industry.

The company has received an A+ Superior rating from AM Best, an AA- Very Strong rating from Standard & Poor, and an A1 Good rating from Moody’s Investors Service.


Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement plans

Frequently Asked Questions

  What are the available Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement plans?

   Mutual of Omaha offers several Medigap plans, including Plan A, Plan F, Plan G, and Plan N, each with varying degrees of coverage and cost.


  How are the reviews for Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement plans?

Generally, Mutual of Omaha receives positive reviews for its Medicare Supplement plans. Customers often praise the company’s customer service, claims process, and plan offerings.


  Does Mutual of Omaha offer Plan F?

Yes, Mutual of Omaha does offer Medigap Plan F, but it’s only available to those who were eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020.


  What is the difference between Mutual of Omaha’s Plan G and Plan N?

The primary difference is that Plan G covers Part B excess charges, while Plan N does not. Also, Plan N requires a small copayment for some office visits and ER visits.


  What is the cost of Mutual of Omaha Medigap plans?

The cost of Mutual of Omaha’s Medigap plans can vary based on factors like your location, age, and chosen plan. It’s best to get a personalized quote for the most accurate information.


  Does Mutual of Omaha Medigap cover prescription drugs?

No, Mutual of Omaha’s Medigap plans do not cover prescription drugs. For this coverage, you would need to enroll in a separate Medicare Part D plan.

  Can I use my Mutual of Omaha Medigap plan with any provider that accepts Medicare?

Yes, you can use your Medigap plan with any healthcare provider that accepts Medicare.


  How is the customer service at Mutual of Omaha?

Mutual of Omaha generally receives high marks for its customer service, with policyholders noting the ease of filing claims and the helpfulness of customer service representatives.


  Is there a waiting period for pre-existing conditions with Mutual of Omaha Medigap plans?

Yes, there can be a six-month waiting period for coverage of pre-existing conditions if you don’t enroll during your Medigap open enrollment period or if you don’t have guaranteed issue rights.


  How can I get a quote for a Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement plan?

Enter your zip code at the top of this page, and rates will be displayed for Plan F, G, and N in your area from Mutual of Omaha and other companies.

Is Mutual of Omaha Medigap Insurance Right For You?

With such a stellar track record, it’s safe to say that Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement insurance is legit.

In fact, it’s one of the most trusted companies in the Medigap market. If you’d like to secure a Medigap plan from Mutual of Omaha – or any other reputable company – fill out the form to the right to receive instant quotes from the top insurers in your area.

You can also call 1-888-891-0229 and a knowledgeable and friendly agent will assist you with all of your needs.

Medicare Supplement Plan G Rates