Medicare Savings Account

Compare affordable Medicare Plans

Russell Noga
by Russell Noga | Updated January 9th, 2024

Navigating the world of Medicare can be a complex journey, but Medicare Savings Accounts (MSAs) offer a unique solution for those seeking more control over their healthcare expenses.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the ins and outs of Medicare savings account, comparing them to other Medicare Advantage options, and addressing common concerns to help you make the most informed decision for your healthcare needs.


Key Takeaways

  • Medicare MSA plans provide comprehensive healthcare coverage with increased flexibility and control over spending.
  • Eligibility criteria must be met to enroll in an MSA plan, which involves understanding deposits, deductibles, copayments and out-of pocket maximums.
  • Part B & D are not included in the Medicare MSA Plan. Use online resources to find providers that accept it for care access.



Understanding Medicare Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs)

A Medicare MSA plan is a variant of Medicare Advantage. It is an amalgamation of a high-deductible health plan and a medical savings account, designed to provide comprehensive healthcare coverage.

This innovative approach offers increased control over healthcare spending, freedom of choice for providers, and an affordable way to secure protection against substantial health costs.

Consisting of two components, a high-deductible health plan and a medical savings account, Medicare MSA plans store all the money for medical expenses in the account. Individuals with Medicare Parts A and B are generally eligible to join an MSA Plan, barring certain exceptions such as those who are Medicaid-eligible or have military-sponsored benefits.


Medicare Savings Account The High Deductible Health Plan ComponentThe High Deductible Health Plan Component

High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) feature large deductibles that must be met before coverage is provided. This means that if you select an HDHP, you will be responsible for the full cost of most healthcare services, including health care costs and health care expenses, until the deductible for the year is achieved.

Once the deductible is met, the HDHP will cover all costs for the remainder of the year. The typical deductible amount for a Medicare MSA High Deductible Health Plan usually ranges from $3,000 to $4,000 per year.

The advantages of a High Deductible Health Plan within a Medicare MSA include:

  • Combining a high-deductible health plan with a medical savings account
  • Coverage of Medicare services
  • Potential for extra benefits such as dental, vision, and hearing


Once the deductible is met, the MSA plan covers 100% of the cost for Medicare-covered services, providing peace of mind in knowing your healthcare expenses are covered.


The Medical Savings Account Component

The medical savings account component of an MSA plan is the repository for annual deposits of funds to cover medical expenses, such as the deductible. Funded by Medicare, these deposits are made at the start of each year.

However, it is not permissible for a plan member to deposit their own funds into a Medicare MSA.

The medical savings account allows for tax-free savings to cover qualified medical expenses. This means that the funds in the account can be used to pay for healthcare costs without being subject to taxation, providing an additional layer of financial security for those enrolled in a Medicare MSA plan.


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Comparing Medicare MSA Plans with Other Medicare Advantage Options

Medicare MSA Plans offer a unique alternative to other Medicare Advantage options such as Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans, and Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) plans.

The primary distinction between a Medicare MSA plan and a standard Medicare Advantage Plan is the inclusion of the medical savings account component, which provides increased flexibility and control over healthcare spending.

In comparison to other Medicare Advantage options, Medicare MSA Plans provide a high degree of flexibility by combining a high-deductible health plan with a special savings account, akin to a health savings account (HSA). This enables beneficiaries to have more control over their healthcare spending and the capability to save for future medical expenses.

Moreover, Medicare MSA Plans lack network restrictions, granting beneficiaries the liberty to select any healthcare provider that accepts Medicare.


Medicare Savings Account Flexibility and Control Over Healthcare SpendingFlexibility and Control Over Healthcare Spending

MSAs offer increased flexibility with healthcare spending by combining a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) with an MSA to fund healthcare expenses. These accounts are similar to health savings accounts (HSAs) and provide tax advantages, including tax-deductible contributions, tax-free interest earnings, and tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses.

This allows individuals to have more control and flexibility over their healthcare spending, as well as the capacity to save for future medical needs.

A Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) can be utilized to pay for qualified medical costs, including doctor’s visits and other Medicare-covered services. The contributions made to an MSA are not subject to taxation as long as they are used for these eligible medical costs.

It is essential to bear in mind that MSA plans do not cover prescription drugs.


Availability and Eligibility

The availability of Medicare MSA Plans may be contingent upon location. It is possible that different geographic areas may present different options and availability of Medicare MSA Plans.

To ascertain the specific availability in a particular location, it is advisable to contact Medicare or insurance providers.

To be eligible for a Medicare MSA Plan, you must:

  • Be enrolled in a qualifying high-deductible Medicare Plan
  • Have no restrictions based on pre-existing conditions for qualification
  • Have no particular age criteria for Medicare MSA Plans.


However, enrollment in other Medicare Advantage plans could potentially affect eligibility for Medicare MSA plans, as concurrent enrollment in other insurance that would cover the cost of services during a Medicare MSA Plan’s yearly deductible is not allowed.


Navigating the Medicare MSA Enrollment Process

To enroll in an MSA Plan, follow these steps:

  1. Reach out directly to the plan provider for detailed information.
  2. Create an account with your chosen bank, as it is required before enrolling in the plan.
  3. Obtain the account with your chosen bank.
  4. Upon successful enrollment, you will receive a letter indicating the start date of your coverage.
  5. In order to enroll, Medicare Parts A and B are required.


Understanding the process for exiting a Medicare MSA Plan is necessary should the need arise. Here are the steps to cancel your enrollment:

  1. Cancel your enrollment by December 15 of the same year.
  2. From December 7th to December 15th, you won’t be able to switch back to Original Medicare.
  3. This period is temporary and not for long.



Leaving a Medicare MSA Plan

Exiting a Medicare MSA Plan requires an understanding of the steps involved and the possible implications. If you end your plan before the end of the year, it may be necessary to pay back a portion of the annual deposit to Medicare.

Funds deposited prior to the current calendar year make up a part of your estate. These should be included in your final tax return as gross income..

In order to transition from a Medicare MSA Plan to another type of health plan, you must disenroll from the Medicare MSA Plan and then enroll in the new health plan. For assistance with the enrollment process, you can contact the new health plan directly or call Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE.

Medicare Savings Account


Maximizing Your Medicare MSA Benefits

Maximizing your Medicare MSA benefits involves reaching out to your local plan provider for precise information on deposits, deductibles, copayments, and out-of-pocket maximums. Additionally, it is prudent to find plans in your area to compare and select the one that best meets your requirements.

By understanding the plan deposits and deductibles, you can make the most of your Medicare MSA benefits and ensure access to the care you need.

Deposits in a Medicare MSA are administered by the Medicare MSA Plan, and the plan deposits a predetermined sum into your account at the start of each year. This money can be utilized to cover healthcare costs prior to reaching your deductible.

Once the funds in the account have been expended, you will be responsible for any remaining costs until the deductible is met.


Understanding Plan Deposits and Deductibles


Medicare Savings Account Understanding Plan Deposits and Deductibles


A plan deposit in the context of Medicare MSAs is the pre-determined sum deposited into a member’s Medical Savings Account (MSA) on an annual basis. This deposit, also known as plan deposits funds, is lower than the annual deductible and is designed to assist with covering the member’s healthcare expenses.

Understanding plan deposits and deductibles can help you make the most of your Medicare MSA benefits.

In the realm of Medicare MSAs, a deductible refers to the sum a policyholder must pay from their own pocket before their Medicare coverage kicks in. If MSA funds are utilized to cover non-qualified expenses, they are subject to taxation and a penalty.

By understanding the plan deposits and deductibles, you can maximize your Medicare MSA benefits and ensure access to care.


Utilizing MSA Funds for Qualified Medical Expenses

The funds in a Medicare MSA can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses, such as doctor’s visits and other Medicare-covered services. The contributions made to an MSA are not subject to taxation as long as they are used for these eligible medical costs.

Utilizing MSA funds for qualified medical expenses can help you maximize your savings and ensure access to care.

To use MSA funds for qualified medical expenses, you can access the savings account associated with the Medicare MSA plan. Enrollees can utilize the funds in this account to cover their qualified medical expenses.

However, if MSA funds are used for non-qualified medical expenses, they will be subject to taxation as part of your income and an additional 50% tax penalty.


Addressing Common Concerns about Medicare MSAs


Medicare Savings Account Addressing Common Concerns about Medicare MSAs


Having concerns while considering a Medicare MSA plan is only natural. One common concern is the interaction between Medicare Part B and Part D coverage and MSA Plans.

Medicare Part B provides coverage for health care services, including:

  • doctors’ services
  • outpatient care
  • medical supplies
  • preventive services


Medicare Part D offers coverage for most prescription drugs. Understanding how these coverages interact with MSA Plans can help alleviate concerns and ensure you make the right decision for your healthcare needs.

Another common concern is finding healthcare providers that accept Medicare MSAs. With the flexibility and control provided by MSA plans, it is important to ensure access to care by finding healthcare providers that accept Medicare MSAs.

Utilizing online resources, such as the Medicare website and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website, can help you locate healthcare providers that accept Medicare MSAs.


Medicare Part B and Part D Coverage

Medicare MSA Plans do not include Medicare Part B or Part D coverage. Therefore, it is necessary to enroll in separate Part B and Part D plans for coverage in those areas.

Understanding the interaction between Medicare Part B and Part D coverage with MSA Plans can help meet your healthcare needs and optimize your Medicare MSA benefits.

There are certain limitations and exclusions in Medicare MSA coverage, such as prescription drug coverage being excluded, which is typically funded by Medicare Part D. Additionally, there is no separate out-of-pocket limit for Medicare-covered expenses, as those are subject to the plan deductible.

Being aware of these limitations and exclusions can help you make an informed decision when considering a Medicare MSA plan.


Finding Healthcare Providers that Accept Medicare MSAs

To find healthcare providers accepting Medicare MSAs, use the “Find care providers” tool on or the resources for partners and providers on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website.

It is important to note that MSA plans generally do not have a network of healthcare providers, so you can receive covered services from any Medicare provider in the U.S. or U.S. territories.

In addition to using online resources, you can also contact your insurance provider for a list of healthcare providers in your area that accept Medicare MSAs. They should be able to provide you with a directory or assist you in identifying the appropriate providers.

By finding healthcare providers that accept Medicare MSAs, you can ensure access to care and make the most of your Medicare MSA benefits.


In conclusion, Medicare Medical Savings Accounts offer a unique solution for individuals seeking more control and flexibility in their healthcare expenses.

By understanding the components of Medicare MSA plans, comparing them to other Medicare Advantage options, and addressing common concerns, you can make an informed decision about whether a Medicare MSA plan is the right choice for you.

With the right knowledge and resources, you can maximize your Medicare MSA benefits and ensure access to quality healthcare.




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Frequently Asked Questions


  How does a MSA account work?

MSA plans work with a high deductible health plan (HDHP) and a bank account. Funds for medical expenses are deposited into the account, which you can use to pay for care. You will typically have high out-of-pocket costs until reaching your deductible, and you handle the money in your account including deciding when to use it for healthcare services.


  What are the benefits of a MSA?

Medical Savings Accounts (MSA) offer tax benefits and can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses before you reach your deductible. Your funds are not taxable, and after you reach your deductible, your plan covers 100% of the cost for Medicare-covered services. Additional coverage, such as dental, vision, or hearing services, may also be included in some MSA plans.


  What happens to money left in a MSA at the end of the year?

Money left in your MSA at the end of the year will remain in the account and can be used for qualified medical expenses without being taxed. If you switch plans mid-year, part of the money will be refunded to Medicare depending on how many months are left in the year.


  What is a Medicare Choice MSA?

A Medicare Choice MSA is a type of Medicare Advantage plan that combines a high-deductible insurance plan with a medical savings account. You manage the funds in the account and can choose whether to pay for health care services using the account funds or other sources.


  How do I enroll in a Medicare MSA plan?

To enroll in a Medicare MSA Plan, contact the plan directly for more information and set up an account with the bank chosen by the plan.



Find the Right Medicare Plan for You

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