Dental Insurance for Seniors

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Russell Noga
by Russell Noga | Updated December 26th, 2023

Dental Insurance for Seniors

When it comes to dental health, seniors face unique challenges, making dental insurance a crucial aspect of their overall well-being. With the increasing importance of oral health in the golden years, finding the best dental insurance for seniors is more important than ever.

This article highlights the top dental insurance providers, discusses various types of plans available, and offers tips on maintaining oral health for seniors.


Key Takeaways

  • Dental insurance is essential for seniors to address age-related issues, financial challenges and overall health.
  • Evaluate plans based on coverage needs, budget and provider networks to find the best option.
  • Regular checkups, at home care and healthy diet are key for maintaining good oral health in seniors.

The Importance of Dental Insurance for Seniors

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Dental insurance holds great importance for seniors, as it addresses age-related dental problems and financial hurdles, and underpins the link between oral health and general health.

To grasp the significance of dental insurance for seniors, we must examine the different factors that render dental insurance indispensable for this demographic.


Age-related Dental Issues


Seniors encounter age-related dental problems like gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss, emphasizing the need for dental insurance coverage for appropriate care.

With approximately 96% of seniors experiencing tooth decay, dental insurance plans can help cover the necessary treatments to maintain strong teeth and gums.

As we age, natural aging processes and conditions like dry mouth and tobacco use can contribute to tooth loss.


Financial Challenges


Dental insurance helps seniors manage the financial burden of dental care, as costs can be prohibitive without coverage. Standalone dental insurance plans for seniors can range from $30 to over $100 per month.

Securing affordable dental insurance is pivotal for seniors to handle their dental care expenses and evade exorbitant out-of-pocket costs for treatments and processes, including those not covered by health insurance.


Overall Health Connection


Good oral health is linked to overall health, making dental insurance a vital component of seniors’ well-being. Seniors with poor oral health may be subject to a variety of health issues, such as:


  • Malnutrition
  • Increased risk of infections
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Respiratory infections
  • Diabetes complications


Investing in dental insurance allows seniors to prioritize their oral health, including dental implants, and reduce the likelihood of these health complications.



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Top Dental Insurance Providers for Seniors

Searching for the best dental insurance for seniors? Three top dental insurance providers are Manhattan Life Dental, Mutual of Omaha Dental, and Aetna Dental. Each of these providers offers various plans and coverage options, catering to the diverse needs of the elderly population.

We will now examine each of these providers and what they offer.


Manhattan Life Dental


best dental insurance for seniors on medicare 2024 Manhattan Life Dental offers comprehensive coverage and flexible plan options for seniors, with a focus on preventive care. Their Dental, Vision, and Hearing (DVH) insurance plans ensure that seniors receive the necessary coverage for their oral health needs.


With their extensive network of over 152,000 providers across the nation, seniors have access to a wide range of dental care professionals.


Mutual of Omaha Dental


Delta dental insurance for seniors Mutual of Omaha Dental provides affordable dental insurance plans for seniors, with a wide range of coverage options and a large provider network. Their dental insurance plans begin at $8.95 per month or $99 per year, making them a cost-effective choice for seniors.


With a network of over 146,000 providers, seniors can find an in-network dentist that suits their needs and preferences.


Aetna Dental


Consumer reports best dental insurance for seniors Aetna Dental offers seniors various plan options, including PPOs and DHMOs, with competitive pricing and extensive coverage. The premiums for Aetna dental insurance for seniors vary from $20 to $70.


With the most extensive dental insurance provider network for seniors, comprising over 120,000 providers, Aetna Dental ensures seniors have access to quality dental care.



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Types of Dental Insurance Plans Available to Seniors

Seniors can choose from various dental insurance plan types, including:


  • Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)
  • Dental Health Maintenance Organizations (DHMOs)
  • Direct Reimbursement Plans
  • Discount Plans


Comprehending the distinctions between these types of plans can aid seniors in selecting the most suitable option for their specific dental care needs.


Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)


PPO dental plans offer:


  • Flexibility in choosing dentists
  • Typically have higher premiums but lower out-of-pocket costs
  • Have a network of dentists who have agreed to provide their services at a predetermined fee, allowing seniors to benefit from reduced dental care costs when visiting an in-network dentist.


Dental Health Maintenance Organizations (DHMOs)


DHMOs require seniors to stay within a specific network of dentists but offer lower premiums and minimal out-of-pocket expenses.

Seniors who have a DHMO plan must select a primary care dentist from the plan’s provider network, and all dental care must be coordinated through that dentist.


Direct Reimbursement Plans


Direct Reimbursement Plans allow seniors to choose any dentist and receive reimbursement for a percentage of their dental expenses.

These plans offer seniors the freedom to select their preferred dental care providers without the limitations of a provider network.


Discount Plans


Free dental insurance for seniors Discount Plans provide seniors with reduced fees for dental services but are not considered insurance and require out-of-pocket payments.

These dental plan options can be a cost-effective alternative for seniors who require only basic dental care and are willing to pay for services as needed.

Evaluating Dental Insurance Plans for Seniors

When assessing dental insurance plans, seniors ought to take into account their coverage needs, budget, and preferences for provider networks.

Taking these factors into account can guide seniors to make wise choices and select the most suitable dental insurance plan for their unique situation.


Coverage Needs


Seniors should assess their dental care needs and choose a plan that offers adequate coverage for preventive, basic, and major services.

Considering their oral health needs enables seniors to select a plan that provides appropriate coverage for their specific dental conditions, treatments, and procedures. Senior dental plans are an essential aspect of this decision-making process.


Budget Considerations


Budget considerations are essential when selecting a dental insurance plan, as seniors should balance premium costs with out-of-pocket expenses.

The average cost of dental insurance for seniors ranges from $20 to $70 per month, making it important to compare plans and find the most cost-effective option.


Provider Network


Seniors should ensure their preferred dentists are within the provider network of their chosen dental insurance plan. Choosing an in-network provider can result in lower out-of-pocket costs for dental care, making it important to verify provider networks before selecting a plan.


Medicare and Dental Insurance for SeniorsCost of dental insurance for seniors


Medicare does not typically cover dental services, so seniors should explore Medicare Advantage plans or standalone dental insurance for coverage.

Grasping the differences between these options can assist seniors in making wise choices regarding their dental care needs.


Medicare’s Lack of Dental Coverage


Traditional Medicare does not cover most dental care, leaving seniors without coverage for essential services such as cleanings, fillings, and tooth extractions.

This means that seniors must find alternative ways to obtain dental coverage and ensure they receive the necessary care for their oral health needs.


Medicare Advantage Plans


Medicare Advantage plans often include dental benefits, providing seniors with an alternative to traditional Medicare for dental coverage.

Humana dental insurance for seniors

These plans typically provide dental coverage for preventive and comprehensive dental services, such as:


  • oral exams,
  • cleanings,
  • and fillings,
  • though the coverage may vary depending on the specific plan.


Standalone Dental Insurance


Standalone dental insurance plans offer seniors comprehensive dental coverage separate from their Medicare plan.

These plans can provide coverage for a wide range of dental services, ensuring seniors receive the necessary care for their oral health needs.

With premiums ranging from $30 to over $100 per month, seniors can find a plan that fits their budget and dental care requirements.

Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Health for Seniors

Preserving good oral health in seniors involves regular dental checkups, at-home oral care, coupled with a healthy diet and lifestyle.


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By following these guidelines, seniors can preserve their dental health and minimize the risk of dental issues associated with aging.


Regular Dental Checkups


Seniors should schedule routine dental care, such as regular checkups, to maintain their oral health and address any issues early.

Regular checkups, ideally every six months, can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues, ensuring seniors maintain strong teeth and gums throughout their golden years.


At-Home Oral Care


At-home oral care, including brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, is essential for seniors to maintain good oral health.

Seniors should brush their teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss their teeth at least once a day, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash to keep their teeth and gums healthy.


Healthy Diet and Lifestyle


A healthy diet and lifestyle can help seniors maintain strong teeth and gums, reducing the risk of dental issues.

Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, as well as avoiding tobacco and limiting alcohol consumption, can contribute to overall oral health and well-being.


In conclusion, dental insurance is crucial for seniors to maintain good oral health and address age-related dental issues.

By exploring various dental insurance providers, plan types, and considering their individual needs, seniors can find the best dental insurance plan to fit their budget and dental care requirements.

With regular dental checkups, at-home oral care, and a healthy diet and lifestyle, seniors can ensure a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.



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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Medicare pay anything on teeth?

Medicare does not pay for any dental care, such as cleanings, fillings, root canals or dentures. However, in certain circumstances where dental services are closely related to other covered medical services, Original Medicare may provide some coverage.


How often will Medicare pay for a set of dentures?

Medicare does not cover dentures, but certain Part C companies will reimburse for new dentures every five years. Companies like Cigna have no annual benefit limit and also provide denture coverage, with costs and benefits varying depending on the plan.


Are root canals covered by Medicare?

Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) does not cover most dental services, such as root canals, but some Medicare Advantage plans do include dental services. If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, check with your provider to see if you have coverage for root canals.


What are the top dental insurance providers for seniors?

The top dental insurance providers for seniors include Manhattan Life Dental, Mutual of Omaha Dental, and Aetna Dental.


What types of dental insurance plans are available to seniors?

Seniors can choose from PPOs, DHMOs, Direct Reimbursement Plans, and Discount Plans when selecting their dental insurance plans.

Find the Right Medicare Plan for You

Finding the right Medicare Plan 2024 doesn’t have to be confusing. Whether it’s a Medigap plan, or you want to know more about dental insurance for seniors, we can help.

Call us today at 1-888-891-0229 and one of our knowledgeable, licensed insurance agents will be happy to assist you!


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